Friday, March 18, 2011


I can't believe it's been so long. February just zoomed right on by. I've been super busy working. I think February is really the month everyone decides to join the gym and get their resolution going :) Things are finally starting to slow down, well I'm actually cutting things down. I have too many things going on and working in the evenings has been a tid bit hard for us. So I'm nipping that in the bud. I like being home in the evenings with my boys!!

Other than that, not too much has been going on.

Bryant has now lost two teeth (bottom middle). He's so darn cute toothless :) I got to pull the first one, which bled a wee bit and sent Bryant into a frenzy. Once it was done and he saw it, all was well. His second tooth just fell right out of his mouth. He was not about to let me touch it! He loves it when the toothfairy visits. I've been trying to tell him to catch her for me. After Bryant starting loosing his teeth, Casey keeps saying he wants his teeth to come out. He's so silly!

Dayden is a going machine. He's a "determined" little boy. He does what he wants when he wants. We need a cow bell on that boy!! He's also talking more and more. He says Thank You so well and at all the right times. It's too cute. He also says: Nigh Nigh, Paci, Bye Bye, and a few other ones that he's been saying a while. He will also repeat many things we try to teach him so it won't be long now till he's constantly talking just like Casey :)

Casey has been a very loving boy lately. He will randomly come up and tell us he loves us and want a hug and kiss. BUT he will also often tell us he's not our friend. He's so indecisive :) He's getting so good with counting, colors, and his ABC's. He's gonna be a smart boy just like his big brother.

Tomorrow my baby (actually big boy) will turn 6!!! My oh my is all I can say!!!!

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