Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lots of Laughs

So Casey was napping the other day and when he was waking up he started laughing. I picked him up (he was awake) and went and sat at the table with Ashley and Holly to play cards. Apparently he thought the card game was hilarious and started doing so great big belly laughs. It was the funniest thing ever!! There is nothing sweeter than a baby's laugh. I love it! Oh and he is a roller (well front to back). He had flipped himself over yet again the other morning and thus decided to wake up at the crack of dawn. What a sillyhead!

Bryant had a yucky weekend with a fever which landed us a Care Now. Lo and behold, he has another ear infection! What the crap!? This poor kiddo already suffered for 2 years with ear infections, got tubes a week after his second bday, and has now had 2 ear infections in the last 2-3 months. We may be looking at another set of ye ole tubes if this crud keeps up. BUT he has been practing writing his name for school. He's getting so big. He did such a good job, but he's VERY stubborn and won't do it again when we want him too. Imagine that...we have a stubborn child :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

He did roll over!!

Ok, so my question has been answered (I think). Yesterday I put Casey down for a nap (which by the way he's been napping alot AND in his crib:) and when I went in there to get him, he had rolled over to his back. YEA! This is about the same time Bryant did this AND he also just did it after naps. It took a while before we actually saw it happening. Oh how time flies!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Did he roll over?

OK, so that sounds like a question with an obvious answer, but around here nothing has an obvious answer. Last night I put Casey down for bed. Of course, he sleeps on his tummy (a big no, no, I know) so I put him down but his arm was under him and he looked a little crooked and up on his side a little. BUT I'm not going to mess with a sleeping baby. I figured he could situate himself. Well about 15 minutes later he starts crying. I go in there to find him on his back. So did he actually roll over or did he have some help by the way I laid him down? That is the question of the day.

Casey's first camping trip!

Casey camping :)

Sharing a Dr Pepper with Papaw Doyle.

Bryant and Daddy fishing. Bryant was the best fisherman that day.

Our little family

The boys with Grandpa and Papaw and Grandma Doyle.

This past weekend we went on our first family camping trip (well the first that worked out). We have attempted to go camping with Bryant a few times but it's either rained or was freezing and we couldn't last the whole weekend. This time we did it and had lots of fun! Bryant got to go fishing and swimming and play all day outside. Casey got to swing, be held, and sleep (all outside). We all had a good time. Bryant caught 2 fish (and the biggest) while Chad kept letting the fish take his bait. I must admit that the fish did that to me too! They must've been hungry :)

We can't wait to go again.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rangers Game

Sunday we took Bryant to his first baseball game. We went with his friend Paden and his mom Monica. It was alot of fun. Braynt and Paden got to parade around the field before the game started. They were so darn cute. It was hotter than poo but luckily our seat was in the shade. Casey got to stay with my friend Kathryn. I thought he'd be much happier there and I'm sure he was. We saw several babies at the game and they looked miserable. YUCK! A good time was had by all!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Casey spent his first night in his own room last night. He, of course, did better than mommy but we made it. Bryant woke up crying around 4:00 and while I was in there with him, Casey's alarm went off (He has the movement monitor.) So I ran in there and he was breathing but had scooted up into a little corner and I guess the monitor couldn't detect him anymore. He's quite the mover and scooter. It was a pretty good first night in his room. Bryant, on the other hand, did want to sleep anymore at 4:00. He changed his mind apparently because he was still sleeping at 8:30 this morning!! Casey's new routine is to get up between 4-5, eat, and stay awake. SO we put him in his swing and one of us sleeps in the living room with him. He's crazy if he thinks we want to get up with him that early.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Like sand through the hour glass...

My how time flies!!!! Bryant is now 3 years and almost 4 months and Casey is 3 months 3 days. Wow!!! It's been quite a ride. The boys are growing like crazy all while driving their momma crazy! Gotta love em though!

I will try to keep up with this blog (recommended by Michelle :) so that everyone can keep up with our exciting lives! I want to be able to document all the fun and memorable things my boys do.

So let me see if I can update you with a little that is going on around here.

I quit my teaching job and now stay at home. I may (hopefully) watch a few kids in my home to make a little money. Bryant is potty training and has been doing great for the past 2 weeks!! Bryant is still loving his little brother. Casey is getting big and starting to smile and laugh and coo!! It's so cute. He loves to stare and smile at his big brother. He's also starting to grab at and play with toys. It's definitely fun around here!

Oh and Grandpa Gary took Bryant for his first fishing trip this weekend and Bryant caught 10 little perch!!!! He likes to brag that he caught alot and mommy only caught 2!