Saturday, July 12, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Casey spent his first night in his own room last night. He, of course, did better than mommy but we made it. Bryant woke up crying around 4:00 and while I was in there with him, Casey's alarm went off (He has the movement monitor.) So I ran in there and he was breathing but had scooted up into a little corner and I guess the monitor couldn't detect him anymore. He's quite the mover and scooter. It was a pretty good first night in his room. Bryant, on the other hand, did want to sleep anymore at 4:00. He changed his mind apparently because he was still sleeping at 8:30 this morning!! Casey's new routine is to get up between 4-5, eat, and stay awake. SO we put him in his swing and one of us sleeps in the living room with him. He's crazy if he thinks we want to get up with him that early.

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