Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Things

Now for a little update of new things that are going on around here.

*now 9 months old
*weighs 16lbs 15oz (yep 0-5 percentile...who knew)
*height is 27 3/4 in (25-50%)
*army crawling still since Thanksgiving...but he sure knows how to get around and FAST
*has gotten up on hands and knees and crawled a few "steps"
*babbles up a storm
*eats some table foods
*loves baths
*is a pretty happy baby who loves his mommy ALOT :)

*still 3
*weighs 39lbs
*just got another ear infection which means we are in the process of scheduling another set of tubes :(
*has really come out of his shell...He runs around and plays like a true boy. He also warms up to people a little quicker than he used to.
*still loves his little brother and loves to play with him

The boys are growing so fast and changing so much every day. I love them so much! They put big smiles on my face (and the occasional grimace :)

Oh yeah, Chad and I had our first night alone in forever Friday night. The boys spent the night with Ashley and Holly. I survived Casey's first night away and so did he. It was great!

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