Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Running and running and running

NO, that's not what Casey is doing (just yet), but that's what I'm doing! That's right, I'm training to run a half marathon (13.1 miles) in November. It's my goal to get myself into shape. I even ventured out and got a double jogging stroller this past weekend. However, we used it to walk to Sonic with the kids and get ice cream. How productive is that? :) Tonight I went to the track to calibrate my new gadget that Chad got me, and I took Bryant with me. He had so much fun and was so darn cute watching me and waving and then running with me. He would even stop and crouch down the ground in the "start" position "like they did on TV" he said. You'd never know we watched the Olympics all day for the last couple of weeks :) What a cutie he is. So anyways, if you need me, I'll be running!

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