Sunday, August 31, 2008

Roll Tide

The Sands family geared up for the first Alabama football game of the year yesterday. We started the day off with a good ole garage sale. What a better way to start the day. Hey, we did make some good money for our old "junk"! We invited friends over, dressed the boys in their best Bama gear, fired up the grill, and the boys watched the game while the girls played cards. It was great!

Here are my boys ready for some football!

Casey is a little thumb sucker! It's so darn cute and I don't know why. Maybe because his thumb is half the size of my pinky and it's so CUTE!!! I found him sleeping like this the other day. At least he can comfort himself :)

Oh, Bryant went to the ENT and we got GREAT news! All is well with him too!! Yea! We couldn't be happier to hear that. He does have some pressure behind his ear drum and still has problems but the dr thinks we can manage it with allergy meds (to dry up the fluid) instead of more tubes. Super!

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