Casey is now a full fledged roller! He started out a few weeks ago rolling from tummy to back and just this past Saturday, he did the other way. I was sitting on the floor with him and he did his usual roll to the side from his back, but this time he kept on going. I had to coax him with a toy to get his arm out from under him, but after that, there was no stopping him. Now he's constantly on the roll!! BUT he doesn't seem to get that once he rolls onto tummy or back that he can go back the other way just the same. For instance, when he rolls onto his back at night, he won't just use his new skill to roll onto his tummy. CRAZY!
On another subject, Casey will be visiting a gastrointestinal dr tomorrow for some pooping and spitting up issues he's been having. I'll keep ya updated on that one. He's had lots of prayers sent up, so I'm sure God's with him. Oh and Bryant has an ENT appointment on Friday for a check up on his tubes. We are praying he won't need another set, but he has had 2 ear infections in the last 2-3 months so it's not looking good. Send prayers up for him as well that all goes OK!
Today was the first day of school and I stayed home!!!!!! It was fabulous! I got to spend the day with Bryant, Casey, and Noora (the little girl I'm keeping). We had a good time. Bryant loves being home AND having someone come over to play everyday. It's just the best time ever for him.