Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Growing up

That's what the boys have been doing "Growing Up"!! It's so bittersweet. I love them being teeny boys but I also love to see what they are becoming and learning.

Bryant is turning 6 in a couple months. That sounds so crazy to say that out loud. I remember him being my tiny baby like it was just the other day. He's doing great at school. He spells stuff for us all the time, reads random signs, enjoys books, and loves writing letters to us. He's also pretty darn good at math. He's a smart boy and I hope he keeps it up. And of course, he's still the best big brother. Sure he beats them up from time to time but that's what big brothers do. Other times you'll find him hugging and kissing Dayden saying how cute he is and how much he loves him. When he leaves for school, he'll go hug both of them and tell them bye. He's such a sweetie :)

Casey will be 3 in a few months (gasp)!!! That gasp is for the fact that he'll be three as well as the "terrible three's"....we didn't have "terrible two's" here not even with Bryant. The three's were way worse! So we're hunkering down and holding on for the ride :) But for now, he's still our little ham. He loves to captivate everyone with his smile and eyes. He's quite a character. He loves Bryant and always wants to do what he is doing and he loves to scream at and hit Dayden. I guess that's the way the middle child rolls ;). He's also a smart little boy. He loves to have you read him stories and then "read" them to you. He can count objects to 10 and match with the number. Pretty smart kiddo!

Dayden is 15 months old and our momma's boy!!!! He is ALWAYS wanting momma to hold him, pick him up, sit with him, or just be in his sight. What can I say, he loves me! He just had his check up and is a healthy 22lbs. He's not the biggest boy but he's in about the 50%. Definitely not a Bryant but growing well. He loves to eat so I'm sure he'll catch up. He's a walking monster. He's everywhere all the time and gets into EVERYTHING! I remember saying that about Casey, but I think he may be worse about getting whatever he can reach and trying to get things he can't reach. He loves to be in the middle of his brothers even when they are wrestling around. He can hold his own. He enjoys hitting and throwing toys as much as the others :) He's starting to talk more and more. He says: momma, dada, tank ooo (thank you), bye bye, nigh nigh, ball, and of course UH as he points to everything he sees :)

We definitely have our hands full with these three active boys but we wouldn't want it any other way!!!

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