Sunday, August 22, 2010

OH MY...

Where did the last 5 years go????? I cannot believe that my baby Bryant will be starting kindergarten tomorrow morning. He seems to be okay with the idea and somewhat excited. Me? Not so much liking the idea so far. I mean, I'm happy to get a break with only 2 kids, but not happy that it means my first born is growing up.

We met his teacher the other night and she seems pretty nice. Her name is Mrs. Favila. Bryant said she seemed nice too so that's good. Casey, on the other hand, was totally excited about Bryant's school and classroom. If we could send him to school, I think he would be super happy!

Here's to my big boy Bryant:

I love you dear Bryant more than you'll ever know. I can't believe how fast the years have gone and what a wonderful little boy you have become. You are a funny, smart, amazing son and big brother. We are so lucky to have you in our family. I pray that, as you start this new chapter in your life, God will bless you and keep His hands upon you and keep you safe. I pray you enjoy your time, learn as much as you can, and grow in so many ways. Please always know that I will be thinking about you and loving you every minute of every day! You are my sunshine!!

Love always and forever,

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