Friday, February 26, 2010

A Day in the Life of the Sands

I thought you all may enjoy a little glimpse into our life:

Grocery store yesterday after we dropped Bryant off at school:
Casey has to sit in the cart b/c Dayden is in his carseat in the seat part. I buy bananas and soon notice that the entire bunch is broken apart, you know, one banana here, one banana there. I buy apples, not your average size either they are HUGE. Walk a few aisles and notice Casey decided he must start munching on one. Go to check out and as I'm place one banana at a time on the belt, I notice an extra bell pepper...HMMMM how did that happen :) I have to take the HUGE apple from a screaming boy so the lady can weigh the half eaten apple. When I get home, I notice that most of the bananas are a little squishy since some sweet boy tried to open them.

This morning:
Nurse sleep protesting Dayden twice before 6:00am. The other boys decide 6:30 is wake up time and start screaming to get up. I manage to hang in bed till 7:00 :) Being the great mommy that I am, I make scrambled eggs all the while Casey is trying to get an apple out of the fridge and screaming b/c I won't let him get one. Give the boys eggs and Casey dumps all of his in the floor (not too easy to clean up since they smoosh when you wipe them). Not long afterwards Bryant has a poopy accident.

My house is always a tornado, it's NEVER quiet in here, someone is always crying or screaming or wanting something BUT I wouldn't trade it for the world (just don't ask me that when all of the above is going on :)

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