Monday, January 25, 2010

Talk, Talk, Talk

That seems to be what's going on around here all the time now.

Bryant is talking a lot. A lot of the time it's talking back but he's talking a lot nonetheless. I must throw in that he does talk VERY sweet, caring, and loving to his brothers quite a bit. He's still the best big brother! We don't know what we'd do without him.

Dayden has started "talking" so much. He just loves to hear himself (and I love to hear him too). It's the sweetest sound. He also loves when you sing or act silly to make him laugh. He lets out a big belly laugh. He's such a happy little boy (and quite the ladies' man :)!

Casey, oh Casey.....he's silly boy. He just started saying SO much the past few weeks. He'll say things now that you tell him to say. Bryant loves to try to teach him new words. He says eat, meeelk (milk), nanny (banana), bopple (apple), and LOOK a lot. Those are his favorite words. He's such a funny boy.

It's never quiet around here unless you visit us around midnight. It's sometimes not even quiet then :) We're just a loud, busy household. If it's not screaming, it's "mom, moooommmmm, momma, mommy, mmmmmoooooooommmmmm"! You know that call :) But we do have lots of laughter and we love it!!!

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