Monday, August 24, 2009

Doctors, Doctors, and more Doctors

We have had quite a past 24 hours to say the least. Sunday afternoon, Casey woke up from his nap screaming and crying. We thought he might be constipated so we took such measure to no avail. He just wanted to be held and would lie on us and sleep off and on waking up every 15 minutes or so to cry and moan. It was horrible. He just had an out of it look. We ended up taking him to an urgent care Sunday night. He didn't have fever, no ear infection, throat looked great, no gastroenteritis, so he ended up with an enema for possible constipation. That worked but was not a fix. He did go to sleep when we got home though.

I woke up 1:30 with cramping and contractions. Not my idea of fun! Casey soon woke up around 2:15 or so crying. He felt hot so we gave him Motrin and Chad layed with him under a fan until he fell asleep. All the while, I was still having contractions coming every 4-8 minutes. So needless to say, we called Ashley at 3:00am (on her first morning of school, bless her heart) to come over and stay with the boys and we headed to labor and delivery. There I received 2 shots over the next 2 hours to stop the contractions. After 4 hours, I finally got to go home with a perscription of the medication to stop contractions if needed again.

Casey on the other hand, was not doing too well when we got home. We got him into his regular dr and found out he has the flu!! Who gets the flu in the heat of the summer????? In case you didn't know, it's apparently going around! CRAZY!!!!!!!! That's my life. We can't wait for bedtime around here :)

1 comment:

ChrisJean3 said...

Sorry Casey is sick!! The "swine flu" is running rampant here in Alabama. Hope you all are feeling better soon!! Love and miss you guys!!