Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where did February go?????

My excuse is February is a short month :) Does that work? Last month, we went to Breckenridge to celebrate Papa P.'s 80th birthday. It was great. We even got to go fishing with my dad which is always fun. We all did pretty well on that fishing trip. The boys are doing great! Bryant is the same ole crazy boy. I can't believe he will be 4 in a couple of weeks. It seems like yesterday he was just a little toddler wobbling around the house. Casey is getting big (he's 19lbs and 4oz now). He's also teething like a crazy monster. Seriously, he was getting three top teeth at once and one has come all the way in and the other two are poking through and now he's getting another one on the bottom. This boy is about to have 7 teeth and he's just almost 11 months! He's also in to EVERYTHING!!! And when I say EVERYTHING, I'm not exaggerating at all. Bryant was the sweet just sit and play and not get into stuff type of baby but Casey is the polar opposite!!! He loves to eat, tear up, and get into everything he can get his hands on. Boy am I in trouble when he walks!!!

Nana, Papa, Donna, and the boys

Papa and the boys

Bryant with his big fish and Grandpa...guess which one is Grandpa!!

Pretty boy Casey with his long lashes...he kinda has a guilty look on his face too.

Proof that Casey gets into everything!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

There you are! I've been wondering! I love all the pics. Casey's lashes ARE so handsome! He's a doll. It looks like we both have our hands full! I can't believe he has all those teeth; that's great! Scarlett only has 2 still!